Wednesday, February 01, 2006


My first question was what the heck is sudoku? From then on out I was hooked. I guess you could say that it had me at hello. If you are anything like I was, at this point you may be wondering if I got myself into some eastern cult. Don't worry, sudoku is just a game (or possibly an obsession). Apparently sudoku is the latest puzzle craze. It is a numerical version of a crossword puzzle. If you are thinking about ckecking it out for the first time, BEWARE IT IS ADDICTIVE. I brought a couple of puzzles home the other day, and the only time that I have seen my wife since then is when she was printing up some new puzzles from the web.

Here is an example of an easy puzzle. The red numbers represent the numbers that you would begin the game with, and the gray numbers are the numbers that you must fill in. The goal is to get 1 thru 9 horizontally, vertically, and in the 3x3 square. Go try an easy one and see how you do. It may not be so easy the first time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a great sudoku site here: Fiendish Sudoku.

New puzzles are posted each day. You can print them out or solve them online. The site can give hints or step-by-step solutions for you.

If you want a real challenge, there's Samurai Sudoku

Worth a look!

- KristinW

1/2/06 7:20 PM  

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